The Orphanage
September 2024Pipette Ragu, my italian dream
September 2023musings on the take home technical interview
August 2023popSQL part 2: writing the sqlite database file
August 2023popSQL part 1: reading the sqlite database file
August 2023popSQL part 0: a DB education through reverse-engineering
August 2023RBAC x ReBAC, a hybrid authorization model for big technology companies
May 2023A curious claim about advertising's effect on Google
December 2022If not careful, A/B testing will kill innovation
July 2022Wanna get better? Spend less time rubbernecking.
July 2022The Bacon Egg and Cheese, New York's Real Treasure
March 2022Uncertain Project Estimation
January 2022Your first rotation oncall as a Software Engineer
December 2021Functional Programming for laymen, a perhaps unexplored perspective
December 2021炸醬麵 Zha Jiang Mian
December 2021Diagnosing MySQL deadlocks
November 2021Kubernetes Web Deployments, a love story
October 2021牛肉麵, Wai Po's Beef Noodle Soup
October 2021Hello Williamsburg
March 2021